by Tecla
Slowly but surely, the world seems to be getting the message that we TV's aren't ALL bad. Along with other minority groups, we profit from a much more liberal attitude toward what was once taboo in print and on the screen. And, though we may be far from ideal acceptance, we seem to be making progress.
The new awareness of sex has benefited us in many ways, though most of us know that our proclivity extends beyond the bounds of Eros.
Other phenomenon of the times have helped our image.
However, my purpose is not to trace the roots of this change but to consider one specific example. In it, I was surprised to note that we were more than merely tolerated; some rather nice things were said about us.
Last year, Mr. Parker Tyler wrote a book called "SCREENING THE SEXES" (Holt, Reinhart and Winston, publishers). It is a fascinating study of the role Sex (with a capital “S”) played in motion pictures since their beginning.